Competency-based learning leads to better student engagement and better outcomes because the pace of learning is customized to each student. A student who excels in reading but struggles in math, for example, may take college courses in English literature while getting additional help with High School mathematics. The learning process enables students to master skills at their own pace—a pragmatic approach that enhances intellectual engagement while mitigating the potential for frustration and boredom.
A transdisciplinary approach creates unity in different areas of study, helping students to make connections between different types of knowledge. A Social Studies lesson about different political views in a constitutional republic will be reinforced by a Mathematics lesson measuring levels of public support for such different views. English assignments often embed key figures from history during a given period, and study of great accomplishments in science will be reinforced through reading biographies of Nobel Prize winners.
A variety of ways to gain and demonstrate knowledge facilitate early identification of a child’s natural gifts. A child who writes a mediocre essay about the forest biome, for instance, might very well shine in creating a visual model and making a verbal class presentation on the impact of people on the land and resources.
Respect for each child’s individual interests can become a clear path to academic growth in other areas. A passion for oceanography, say, or a fascination with a certain type of art can open the door to a whole world of accomplishment in a child who may have had difficulty due to lack of focus.
The curriculum for all students aligns with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and national standards of Activities of Daily Living (ADL). All classes take place in a therapeutic environment expertly addressing social-emotional behaviors that might otherwise impede academic learning.

Vanguard Preparatory School
4240 Sigma Road Dallas, TX 75244 | phone: 972.404.1616 | fax: 972.404.1641
Accredited By Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - AdvancED | TEA Approved
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