by admin | Oct 3, 2018 | Blog
The Vanguard Vikings are embarking on another adventure this fall with a high school soccer team. After two games, the Vikings are 2 and 0! Led by senior captains Wade Sharrock and Dwight Clasby, our 11-man squad has powered through the competition with a combined...
by admin | Sep 24, 2018 | Blog
Students in the 18+ program are learning the value of serving others. They recently spent time working with the North Texas Food Bank and Brookhaven College. North Texas Food Bank takes a truck full of produce to Brookhaven College once a month. Our students...
by admin | Aug 6, 2017 | Blog
I recently attended a workshop for new and returning coaches and mentors of BEST robotics teams at UTD, and I have to say that this is a really incredible program. The robots are cool, and a ton of fun to build (and then play with), but the really exciting thing is...
by admin | Aug 5, 2017 | Blog
This week, Middle School went on their annual Enterprise City trip! Enterprise City is a small “town” in Richardson where students have the opportunity to be a grown-up in the business world for a day! Business loans are taken out from the bank. Employees receive,...
by admin | Aug 4, 2017 | Blog
Vanguard national honor society students attend the state annual summit. Thanks to parents of our honor society students for helping to facilitate our visit to the NHS State Summit yesterday. It was extremely informative and inspiring, and I think our member students...
by admin | Aug 3, 2017 | Blog
Kenn Nesbitt, recipient of the U.S. Children’s poet Laureate, facilitated an amazing “virtual” field trip for our class last week. Mr. Nesbitt thrilled our students with stories of how his love for poetry developed. Describing the boredom of family road trips,...